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I'm Michael,
let's create some content.


Writing stuff since 1987






copy editing


web and social content


vocal production

You have a copy project that needs to be done and, as luck would have it, I'm a copywriter that would love to help. Why should you entrust your project to me? I have been writing copy since age fifteen when I interned with a marketing and communications firm and became hooked. Years of copy and design work paid off. I am currently a director of casino marketing, but also work as a freelance writer on the side. My years in casino marketing have allowed me to be involved in many different channels and at the forefront of communication. In my career, I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. I’ve also learned messaging is not a business of one-size-fits-all. Consistent brand is key and needs to speak to an assortment of audiences. I write copy, scripts, direct marketing appeals, social media content, form letters, articles and advertorials, and much more. I write because I love it and my passion for it comes through in all my work. So hopefully I can convince you and we can do some great work together.

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